Friday 3 February 2012

My Thriller

My Thriller - Target Audience

The target audience for my thriller would be between the ages of 15 – 50. I believe it would be such a grand range of age is because most people would take an interest into the normal world suddenly becoming more fictionally dangerous and overly heightened.

People of many ages enjoy seeing something that is thrilling and seems so unlikely, but in the real world could happen any minute, which then when they leave the cinema, are left with a sense of danger even though nothing has changed in the real world. I would sum this up as the suspension of disbelief.
15-24 year olds may have hobbies or do things in their spare time, which consists of comic books, which contain heroes and villains, or play videogames such as Call of Duty. The oldest of this group may be studying politics or take a great interest in computers.  These hobbies and interests may attract these groups of people to seeing my thriller because it contains these aspects.         
An audience aged 25-34 I believe would take an interest in my thriller because this age group would be more into politics and what is going on in the world, but would still have the ability to become lost in a world of imagination and suspension of disbelief at an event such as the one in my thriller as happening.
I believe that my film is created to be as a unisex film and that male audiences would enjoy it just as much as female audience and vise versa, if they’re into this particular genre of film.

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