Friday 19 October 2012

Evaluation of the Animatic

 The storyboards we created were done to create a sense of the atmosphere and emotion that is portrayed in the song 'Breathe Me' - Sia. Doing these helps us massively in the preparation for the shoot day as we know where, who and when we want to shoot through out the day. Creating them, also aided us in realizing what looked good & fitted in and what didn't. They were manipulated over the weeks we prepared them to try to capture the best possible outcome.
When we first made the storyboards, we were told my our media tutors afterwards that the editing pace was too low. Then, when we took it up to the edit sweet we realized that with the quickened editing pace we needed more shots. Editing allowed us to see what we had and we realized that we didn't have enough shots. This mean that we had to go back and re-do more storyboards. In terms of constructing the star image within the storyboards, I don't think that it is so clear. Mainly because of the drawings. If they had been clearer, then the audience may have understood the storyline better and therefore the star image would have been more clear. However, we as a group we do have a throughly clear idea of what Ivy's star image is. We developed it by taking inspiration from other music videos and non-fictional stars such as Christina Aguilera. In comparison there were many positives to our storyboards. They helped us to gain a very clear understanding of what exactly we wanted to see in each shot, for how long and where in the video we wanted it to appear so a pristine storyline could become evident. Our set designs also became clearer through our drawings. All of the elements & narratives that we have in our video we are aiming to keep. They're the outcasts, Sia (Ivy) as the main act & the feathers. The three elements that we have chosen to keep we have had since the beginning of our production. All the ideas at the end of the video come together, as the feathers fall into the rooms of each outcasted member, which then leads them up to Sia on the rooftop. The class didn't quite understand what the narrative of the video was, or who the main act was meant to be. They said there reason for this was because the drawings weren't clear enough. However, once we had described the narrative to them and my tutors in detail, they began to understand it more clearly. 
In the construction of the actual product, I haven learn't that editing to the beat and creating a general consensice for what I wanted to see in the video & what the star image has to be. 

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