Wednesday 17 October 2012

Research Into The Ancillary Tasks

I have researched and identified five iconic & famous artists of today who I am able to relate our own artist to through their own album artwork and websites. 

Artist one: Ellie Goulding

Ellie Goulding's star image is very similar to that of Sia's. The expression across her face is very similar to the look that we're going for with our album cover. The same applies to the shot type that we are going to use when it comes to capturing and editing the final piece. 

Her own personal website I believe follows the same type of look we would like to include in our digi-pack when we create it. It includes all the relevant material such as links to social networking sites, pictures, music & upcoming tour dates. 

Artist two: Adele 

Adele's album artwork follows the same theme as Ellie Goulding, having the close up shot of her on her won. However with this album cover I believe that we as a group will be able to relate our work to more because of the sorrowful expression on her face. We have built Sia (Ivy's) star image out to be one that is surrounded by sadness which is why I feel Adele's artwork is some that we can take inspiration from. 

Adele's internet page also offers the same avenues to access her stardom as Ellie Goulding, which is what we're going for with our website.

The same concept applies to these three artists; Christina Aguilera, The Weepies & The Streets

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