Monday 25 February 2013

Research Into Artist Websites

In order to create the most realistic web page for our created star IVY, we have to make her webpage, that is being designed on as similar to already existing in this particular media genre. This means looking at Webpages for stars that have similar 'star image ideologies' to that of IVY. 


SIA is the original artist for the song we have chosen to create our music video on. Therefore, a lot of the material that my group and I on her page was very useful in terms of deciding how simplistic our layout should be. Her page also allowed us to gain a sense of what colours, text and formatting we might decide to use when establishing the qualities of IVY's star image. Below is a screenshot of her webpage.

Christina Aguilera: 

Christina's webpage provided use with inspiration for the links off the homepage that we have begun to create. For example links for merchandise, tours and social networking sites have now been added to our page for IVY, in order to create a product that is similar to those that are already existent. We also took inspiration for the physical design of our page from Christina's. 

The Weepies:

The simplicity of the design on The Weepies webpage is what we think is the best example to follow if we wish to create a website for IVY that follows the institutional values that we have given her. We created IVY so that she was signed to her own niche music label. This meant that the design of our website didn't have to look as though it had been made by professionals. The Weepies website is extremely simplistic and easy to navigate which, is why we have taken it as inspiration for our own. 

Our Own Webpage... So Far:

The font styles inspiration came from the original SIA webpage, as when creating IVY's star image, we wanted to incorporate some of the original artist's key qualities. The menu palette across the top of our webpage came from Christina's page, as it allows our viewers to clearly see the choices of activity that they're able to find on IVY's page. Christina's page also provided us with ideas for what links, viewers would expect to find on an artists page. We also tried to incorporate the simplistic design of The Weepies page into the design of IVY's so that the webpage could look as though it is part of a personal label, rather than a larger institutional music label webpage.

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