Tuesday 6 March 2012

Different Title Sequence Structures

For our thriller 'Firewall', we as a group have been trying to develop some ideas for how we would like our title sequence to run. The idea that we have gone with is the idea of it being typed onto the screen as though someone is typing it on a keyboard. 

We felt as though it would fit in with the political thriller sub-genre the best out of any of the other ideas that we came up with. 

I also drew inspiration from www.artofthetitle.com for different types of opening fonts, sizes, and colours for how they're represented to fit with the sub-genre of the thriller being created. 


After having looked at several of the Thriller Title Sequences on this sight I have decided that a sequence that has the graphic qualities of a computer. This would help to emphasize the political and technological side to our thriller, which we have already emphasized through the mis-en-scene from our shoot day. 

I also remembered a documentary that I had seen on The National Geographic Channel a few years ago on the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Centre, Financial District, Manhattan, New York, NY and I thought that the typing effect on the titles on there were great and definitely added the political, technological aspect to the situation. 

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